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Israeli military using social media as a wartime tool. Source: @IsraelDefenseForces

R. L. Stein, “Vanishing Acts: How the Israeli Media Manages Gaza,” Antipode Online, March 22, 2023.

R. L. Stein, “The Visual Terms of State Violence in Israel/Palestine: Interview with Rebecca L. Stein.” Philosophy of Photography, edited by Noa Levin and Andrew Fisher, vol. 13, no. 2, Intellect, 2023.

R. L. Stein, “How to Unsee Gaza: Israeli Media, State Violence, Palestinian Testimony,” in Gaza on Screen.  Edited by Nadia Yaqub.  Duke University Press, 2023

R.  L. Stein, “Viral Occupation: Palestine and the Video Revolution,” Los Angeles Review of Books, Jan. 21, 2022

R. L. Stein, “‘The Boy Who Wasn’t Really Killed’: Israeli State Violence in the Age of the Smartphone Witness.” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 53(4), 620-638. 2021

R. L. Stein.  “Go Pro Occupation: Networked Cameras, Israeli Military Rule and the Digital Promise.”  Current Anthropology.  Volume 58, Supplement 15.  February, 2017.

R. L. Stein, “#StolenHomes: Israeli Tourism and/as Military Occupation in Historical Perspective,” American Quarterly, Vo. 68, No.3,  September 2016

R.L. Stein. “Dispossession Reconsidered: Israel, Nakba, Things (in French).” Ethnologie Francaise — Special issue, “Israel au Quotidien”  (2015.).

R. L. Stein and Adi Kuntsman, 2014. “Selfie Militarism,” London Review of Books.

R.L. Stein. 2012. “Impossible Witness: Israeli Visuality, Palestinian Testimony, and the Gaza War.Journal for Cultural Research (special issue on Arab Cultural Studies).

R.L. Stein. 2012.”StateTube: Anthropological Reflections on Social Media and the Israeli State.Anthropological Quarterly.

Natalia Fadeev, influencer
Selfie Militarism. Israeli military reservists and influencer, Natalia Fadeev. Source: @nataliafadeev.

R. L. Stein, 2011.  “The Other Wall: Facebook and Israel,” London Review of Books.

Adi Kuntsman and Rebecca L. Stein. 2011. ”Digital Suspicion, Politics, and the Middle East.Critical Inquiry (online feature on Arab Spring).

R.L. Stein. 2010, No. 43. ”Israeli Routes Through Nakba Landscapes: An Ethnographic Meditation.”Jerusalem Quarterly.

R.L. Stein. 2010. ”Explosive: Scenes from Israel’s Queer Occupation.GLQ: Gay Lesbian Quarterly 16 (4).

R.L. Stein. 2009. “Traveling Zion: Hiking and Settler-Nationalism in pre-1948 Palestine.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 11 (3):334 – 351.

R.L. Stein.November, 2008. “Souvenirs of Conquest: Israeli Occupations as Tourist Events. International Journal of Middle East Studies.

Rebecca L. Stein and Ted Swedenburg.2005. ”Popular Culture, Relational History, and the Question of Power in Palestine and Israel.” Journal of Palestine Studies 23 (5-20).[PDF]

Rebecca L. Stein.2003. ”Of Cafes and Colonialism: Israeli Leisure and The Question of Palestine (Again).”Theory and Event 6 (3).[HTML]

Rebecca L. Stein.2002. ”‘First Contact’ and Other Israeli Fictions: Tourism, Globalization, and the Middle East Peace Process.”Public Culture 14 (3).

Rebecca L. Stein. 2001. “Israeli Interiors: Ethnic Tourism, The State, and the Politics of Space.” European University Institute Working Papers.

Rebecca L. Stein.1998. ”National Itineraries, Itinerant Nations: Israeli Tourism and Palestinian Cultural Production.Social Text 56 (16).

Book Chapters

Two women using telephones sit in front of ten monitors in a military installation
The Surveillance State. Military’s “Field Intelligence Corps,” engaged in surveillance operations along the Gaza border (2010). Source: IDF Spokesperson.

R.L. Stein. “Of Houses and Homelands: Israel, Palestine, Things.” Struggle and Survival in Palestine and Israel, Gershon Shafir and Mark LeVine eds. Berkeley: University of California Press (2012.)

R. L. Stein. “On Tourism and Politics in Israel: A Response to Eric Meyers.” In Archeology, Politics, and the Media, edited by Eric Meyers, (Eisenbrauns).

R.L. Stein and Joel Beinin. “Histories and Futures of a Failed Peace.”In The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005, 2006).

R.L. Stein. “The Oslo Process, Israeli Popular Culture, and the Remaking of National Space.” In The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005, 2006).

R.L. Stein.”Balad of the Sad Cafe: Israeli Leisure, Palestinian Terror, and the Post/colonial Question.” In Postcolonial Studies and Beyond, edited by Ania Loomba, Suvir Kaul, Matti Bunzl, et al, (Duke University Press, 2006).

R.L. Stein and Ted Swedenburg. “Popular Culture, Transnationality, and Radical History.” In Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Culture, (Duke University Press, 2005.

R.L. Stein. “”First Contact’ and Other Israeli Fictions: Tourism, Globalization, and the Middle East Peace Process”.” In Palestine, Israel and the Politics of Popular Culture, edited by Rebecca L. Stein and Ted Swedenburg, (Duke University Press, 2005).