“What New Media Does,” Cultural Anthropology Fieldsites (podcast), April 9, 2024
“When Everyone Becomes a War Photographer,” New York Times, Oct. 12, 2023.
“Is Tik Tok Really Boosting Pro-Palestinian Content?” Rolling Stone, Nov. 12, 2023
“Les Réseaux Sociaux, Entre Horreur et Fake,” Tribune de Geneve, Oct. 15, 2023
“American Anthropologist Rebecca Stein: This is How the Israeli Military Occupation Changed in the Age of Smartphones,” Al Jazeera (Arabic, reprinted in Jadaliyya)
Interview, Camp Anthropology, Oct. 3, 2022
Interview, KKFI Radio, “Understanding Israel Palestine,” April 4, 2022
Gordon, Neve. “How Opponents of the Israeli Occupation Are Losing the Digital War.” Ha’aretz (English and Hebrew) March 6, 2022
Stein, Rebecca. “Rebecca Stein on War in the Smartphone Age.” Duke Today, June 30, 2021
“This Is How the Israeli Military Occupation Has Changed in the Age of the Smartphone” Al Jazeera (Arabic) Sept. 12, 2021.
Stein, Rebecca. Interview. New Books Network. Podcast audio. Oct. 20, 2021.
Stein, Rebecca. Interview. Jadaliyya. Oct. 8, 2021.
“Excerpt from Screen Shots” Mondoweiss July 12, 2021.
“Why Are Israeli Defense Forces Soldiers Posting Thirst Traps on TikTok?” Rolling Stone May 27, 2021.
Popular Writing

R. L. Stein, 2021. “Rebecca Stein on War in the Smartphone Age” (interview). Duke Today, June 30 2021
R. L. Stein, 2019. “How One Palestinian University is Remaking ‘Israel Studies,” Middle East Report Online, May 16, 2019.
R. L. Stein, 2018. “Fake News!” The View from Israel’s Occupation. Open Democracy, Feb. 2018
R. L. Stein, Digital Militarism (interview). Islamicommentary, May 2015.
A. Kuntsman and R. L. Stein, “How Israelis Live Intimately with the Military Occupation In Their Digital Lives,” Stanford Press Blog, May 2015.
A. Kuntsman and R. L. Stein: “New Texts Out Now: Digital Militarism” (Interview). Jadaliyya, May 2015
R. L. Stein, 2014. “How Israel Militarized Social Media,” Mondoweiss
R.L. Stein, 2013. “Viral Occupation: Cameras and Networked Human Rights in the West Bank,” Middle East Report online
R. L. Stein, 2012, “An All-Consuming Occupation,” Middle East Report
R.L. Stein, 2012. “Inside Israel’s Twitter WarRoom: History of a Social Media Arsenal, Middle East Report
R.L. Stein. 2011.”Bin Laden’s TV.” Jadaliyya.
R.L. Stein. 19 April, 2011. “The Other Wall: Facebook and Israel.“ London Review of Books blog.
Adi Kuntsman and Rebecca L. Stein.September, 2010.”Another War Zone: New Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.“Middle East Report.
R.L. Stein. 2003. “”La izquierda judia israel, el Imperio de EE.UU. y el fin de la solucin de dos estados”.” Rebelin. (translated for Rebelin by Germn Leyens)
R.L. Stein. 2003. “Israel und die kulturelle Politik des Tourismus.” Sommer Akademie August.
R.L. Stein. 2003. “The Jewish Israeli Left, US Empire, and the End of the Two-State Solution:.” Middle East Report.
R.L. Stein. 2001. “Violence and its Rhetoric: Sharon’s Visit to Washington.” Middle East Report. (Press Information Note)
R. L. Stein. 2000. “Spatial Fantasies: Israeli Popular Culture After Oslo.“ Middle East Report.